Support parents and teachersOppose Christian nationalism in public schools

Posted: Oct. 20, 2023

Religious freedom for all is one of the most important American values -- yet this fall, Oklahoma's state superintendent is ramping up his campaign to force public schools to spread his brand of conservative Christianity.

After a school in Skiatook, OK, took down Bible verses at the request of community members, Superintendent Ryan Walters sent a vaguely threatening letter to the state's teachers on October 12, promising: "I do not want to see Oklahoma school districts become complicit in promoting atheism, and I intend to pay close attention to schools that simply surrender to such demands."

Walters has also wrongly called the separation of church and state a "myth," unconstitutionally shared sample prayers for teachers to lead, and promised Tony Perkins's anti-LGBTQ hate-group's summit that he will put God and prayer in schools. It's a zero-sum mentality where if schools are not purposefully indoctrinating students into Christianity, then they are actively fighting a war on our faith. 

Here's the truth: Walters's radical Christian-nationalist agenda insults parents, harms children, and disrespects God. Forcing Christianity on others doesn't spread our faith or bolster education -- it undermines and corrupts both. 

God doesn't need the government's protection, but the American tradition of religious freedom for all does. As Walters's fellow Christians, let's stand up to his Christian-nationalist bullying by thanking Oklahoma teachers for their hard work and urging them to support true liberty.

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