About Us

Faithful America is the largest online community of Christians putting faith into action for love and social justice. Our members -- Catholic, Protestant, Exvangelical, and more -- are sick of sitting by quietly while Jesus' message of good news is hijacked by the religious right to serve a hateful political agenda. We're organizing the faithful to challenge Christian nationalism and white supremacy and to renew the church's prophetic role in building a more free and just society.

We raise our collective voices through rapid-response digital campaigns that tap into the grassroots power of Christians across the nation. When corporations and religious institutions invoke a twisted definition of religious freedom to justify bigotry, we speak up. When hate groups purport to speak for Christianity, we act. When bishops embrace discrimination and partisanship, we stand with our plurality Catholic members to hold the U.S. hierarchy accountable to the inspiring words of Pope Francis.

We're sticking up for courageous Christian voices acting for fairness and freedom in every denomination and tradition. We're fighting for social, economic, and racial justice, standing with the Black Lives Matter movement and upholding the Gospel's values of love, equality, and dignity. Together, we're helping make a difference for immigrants, refugees, the climate, the LGBTQ community, and more.

Our Christian members come from many denominations and none, are both lay and ordained, and live in every state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. We are a Christian organization that is not affiliated with any institutional church, denomination, or other parent entity. We are proud that Faithful America was originally founded as a project of the National Council of Churches in 2004 -- and we are also now proudly a separate, stand-alone, grassroots 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization. 


For years, 100% of our budget has come from our members: from individual grassroots donations averaging less than $50. If you are appalled by the Christian right's unchristian agenda of fear, authoritarianism, and hatred and yearn to reclaim the prophetic role that Christian faith has historically played, we’d love to have your support!

A few of our successes

Working together, Faithful America members have:

  • Convinced networks to drop the televangelist Jim Bakker Show for selling a fake COVID-19 cure
  • Blocked a hateful, Islamophobic Trump nominee in the Senate
  • Helped free an innocent asylum seeker from ICE custody
  • Helped Catholic students win justice for their fired gay principal
  • Defeated a fracking pipeline with Catholic sisters in Kentucky
  • Helped pass the life-saving Affordable Care Act
  • And more!

Read more about these and other victories for love and social justice here.


Since July 1, 2019, Faithful America's grassroots campaigns have been led by our executive director, the Rev. Nathan Empsall (he/him).

Rev. Nathan is an Episcopal priest and experienced organizer who holds both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Environmental Management, as well as a B.A. in government and Native American studies. He has worked for numerous Episcopal Church dioceses and organizations including at the United Nations, is a recent member of his denomination's Task Force on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism, and serves in local Episcopal parishes. Prior to seminary, he was an online campaigner for the Sierra Club, among other progressive advocacy organizations. His writing has appeared in NBC News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Hill, Sojourners, Red Letter Christians, Religion News Service, and more. His personal motto is, "You are loved. Accept it, and spread it!"

(Although Rev. Nathan is personally an ordained priest, Faithful America is an independent, ecumenical Christian organization and not affiliated with any individual institutional church or denomination.)

Rev. Nathan took over from Michael Sherrard, who was recognized for his work at Faithful America as one of "14 Faith Leaders to Watch in 2014" by the Center for American Progress. We remain deeply grateful to Michael for so much hard work and success during his more than seven years at our helm.