Tell news publishers and editorsStop portraying religious liberty and LGBTQ equality as opposites

Posted: Dec. 6, 2022

Remember the anti-gay baker who refused to make cakes for same-sex weddings? The Supreme Court is now considering another, very similar case, this time from a homophobic website and graphic designer. Unfortunately, the media coverage has been about as bad as you might expect, erasing the voices of LGBTQ Christians and their faithful allies.

A December 4 New York Times headline called the case "A New Clash Between Faith and Gay Rights."

Politico published a similar piece on December 5, describing the case as, "The Supreme Court's latest foray into the clash between the rights of LGBTQ people and religiously devout business people."

Let's be clear: There is no clash between religious liberty and LGBTQ rights. In fact, public surveys have repeatedly shown that a majority of Christians support nondiscrimination laws and oppose religiously based service denials. Erasing these pro-LGBTQ Christian voices from the Supreme Court debate is the real threat to religious liberty.

All people are created in the image of God, all love is holy, and no one should face discrimination for who they love. The media should know better than to suggest that the religious right speaks for all Christianity -- let alone all faith -- and editors need to hear from us now.

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