Tell Archbishop ListeckiRespect the pronouns and identities of transgender Catholics

Posted: Jan. 24, 2022

Another right-wing Catholic archbishop has implemented a cruel and unpastoral policy against transgender parishioners -- and he needs to hear from grassroots Christians now.

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee, led by Archbishop Jerome Listecki, is coming under fire for new guidelines that require parishes, schools, and other Catholic institutions to "recognize only a person's biological sex." 

The guidelines lay out a series of hateful and discriminatory rules designed to push transgender Catholics even further to the margins of the church -- from refusing to use preferred pronouns to dictating dress codes and bathroom use by birth sex.

As Fr. Stuart Wilson-Smith, a Roman Catholic priest in Chicago, tweeted, the new anti-trans Milwaukee policy is "a callous, anti-intellectual and anti-human dumpster fire of a document unworthy of any association with the name of our Lord and brother."

The Gospels could not be any clearer: We are to love our neighbors and respect the image of God in all persons. Let's show Archbishop Listecki that a nationwide movement of grassroots Catholics and other Christians oppose his cruel policy and the heightened pain and suffering it inflicts on transgender people.

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