Posted: Nov. 19, 2021
Receiving the first official Congressional censure in a decade just wasn't enough of a reality check for Republican Rep. Paul Gosar, who posted a video depicting himself murdering Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and assaulting the President of the United States.
Given how much he brags about being "a proud Catholic Christian," you'd think that Gosar might show some remorse for his threats before tweeting again. But nope -- just minutes after the censure was issued, Gosar gleefully retweeted the exact same violent video.
Following his censure, Gosar also shared a Christian meme suggesting he was the true victim here, not his fellow Catholics Ocasio-Cortez and Biden: "Remember God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers ... stay strong."
Enough is enough. Republican leaders may still support him, but grassroots Christians can't let right-wing officials like Gosar keep getting away with cloaking themselves in the mantle of Christianity one day, then threatening violence and sedition the next.
As long as social media platforms like Twitter give Gosar the ability to spread such filth, his hateful words and videos will find an audience and risk inciting more violence like January 6. Add your name and tell Twitter to delete Gosar's account now.
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