Tell Jay LenoDrop out of far-right Catholic donor event

Posted: July 9, 2021

The Fellowship of Catholic University Students wants you to think it's an innocent Catholic campus ministry just "sharing the hope and joy of the gospel." In truth, FOCUS is run by a powerful, far-right, pro-Republican Catholic network.

Board members of FOCUS -- which is modeled after Campus Crusade for Christ -- include Trump supporters and figures like Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila, who advocates for harmful "ex-gay" conversion therapy and champions the effort to deny Joe Biden Communion.

The FOCUS chairman is CEO of the Becket Fund law firm, which helped launch insurrectionist Senator Josh Hawley's career, supported the Trump administration in court, and led Hobby Lobby's anti-health-care lawsuits. Top donors include a hedge-fund manager who funds voter suppression and anti-LGBTQ groups. The list goes on.

This fall, FOCUS is planning to host a major donor weekend at the Laguna Beach Ritz Carlton. Speakers include President George W. Bush, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, and comedian Jay Leno.

We might expect this kind of partisanship and homophobia from Bush and Dolan -- but does Leno really want his name linked to these hateful attacks on democracy and equality? Let's send the "Jay Leno's Garage" and former "Tonight Show" host 10,000 signatures showing him that this event will harm his reputation.

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