Posted: April 4, 2020
One of the most horrifying responses to the coronavirus pandemic has come from right-wing pastors and politicians, who have gruesomely called for the sacrifice of an entire generation on the altar of capitalism.
It started when Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick protested business closures, arguing "lots of grandparents out there in this country" would be willing to die to save the economy. Other right-wing officials, including Wisconsin's U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, quickly expressed similar sentiments.
First Things, a prominent religion journal, has even tried to give the idea theological cover, claiming that changing daily routines to save lives is somehow "disastrous sentimentalism" used by Satan to spread fear.
The populations most vulnerable to COVID-19 -- the poor, sick, homeless, incarcerated, elderly, and uninsured -- are the very communities Jesus told us to love, and we will not abandon them now. Add you name to show the media that Patrick, Johnson, and First Things do not speak for your faith: Christians will not leave the vulnerable behind!
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