Tell Archbishop CordileoneRevoke your restrictions on blessing LGBTQ couples

Posted: Jan. 24, 2024

Days after Pope Francis declared that Catholic priests can bless same-sex couples, San Francisco's right-wing archbishop instituted a partial ban on the new, pastoral LGBTQ blessings.

Yes, in San Francisco -- one of the world's LGBTQ meccas and a city that has led the decades-long national fight for LGBTQ dignity, rights, and equality -- a notorious culture-warrior archbishop is undermining the pope to deny spiritual care to queer Catholics. Think about the harm he's doing and the hate he's perpetuating after such a profound step by the Vatican.

This isn't entirely a surprise: Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has long been a vocal opponent of LGBTQ equality, even calling same-sex marriage "the ultimate attack of the Evil One."

If this precedent stands, we will see more far-right Catholic leaders across the country do the same -- which is why grassroots Catholics and ecumenical allies need to speak up. Sign to tell Archbishop Cordileone: Stop defying Pope Francis. Allow your priests to bless to same-sex couples now.

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