Tell state legislaturesThe "Convention of States" is a Christian-nationalist threat to our freedom

Posted: Nov. 17, 2023

The Convention of States Action (COSA) once appeared to be a far-fetched effort to write Christian nationalism into our Constitution -- a seemingly empty right-wing promise to strip away our freedoms and do away with everything from the Department of Education to the EPA. But now it's becoming frighteningly real.

COSA is an extremist project -- endorsed by far-right figures like Speaker Mike Johnson, Steve Bannon, and Tucker Carlson -- that seeks to force a Constitutional convention, throw out civil rights and the New Deal, and enact an American theocracy. 

Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, Congress is required to hold a constitutional convention of states if two-thirds of state legislatures (34 states) petition Congress for one. Nineteen states have already joined on, and seven more have passed the petition through one legislative chamber.

There are zero rules for such a convention, meaning that the people whom conservative states select to rewrite the Constitution could be unelected, unaccountable, and funded by right-wing billionaires like the Koch Brothers -- with no limit to what they can change.

One key designer of this ten-year-old movement is David Barton: the evangelical pseudo-historian, architect of Christian nationalism's claim that the separation of church and state doesn't exist, and member of Faithful America's False Prophets list alongside Johnson and Bannon.

We cannot allow Christian nationalism to gut the Constitution in Jesus's hijacked name. Together, let's speak out now to educate state legislators and reclaim Christianity's prophetic voice for the true Gospel values of love, equality, and social justice!

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