Lenten Corporate Boycott Resources

"Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?" - Isaiah 58:6

This year, with Trump and his billionaire buddies creating policies of massive greed, corruption, and hatred, Faithful America is urging our members to pledge a Lenten fast from pro-Trump corporations. This is a call to reckon with the ways we give in and obey the will of corporate greed by financially fasting from one (or more!) corporation that has allied with Trump through political contributions, removing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies, or placing their CEOs in powerful positions of government.

Ready to start? Sign our Lenten boycott pledge here.

Questions about our Lenten fast? Check out our FAQ and Resource Guides below:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Lenten fast?

Lent is a liturgical church season that takes place in the forty days before Easter. Many Christians observe these 40 days by committing to a fast or abstinence from certain luxuries in imitation of Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the desert. The practice is intended to help us break certain habits that turn us away from God and to join in solidarity with our less privileged neighbors.

Why do you want us to fast from corporations for Lent?

Jesus was very clear that we are called to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and welcome the stranger. Yet, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and the other richest men in the world, continue to slash funding for the hungry, sick, and homeless in our country in order to line their pockets even further with tax cuts.

By fasting from corporations that have sided with Trump, we are not only taking back our collective power, but we are also reflecting on the hold these corporations have over our lives and the cost that has for our neighbors.

Why don't we all just boycott the same corporation?

We struggled to choose just one company, for all of Trump's corporate allies have sinned and fallen short of protecting our neighbors. However, there are already some active boycotts of specific companies, and we would welcome you to join in one of those movements for your Lenten fast if you are looking for that guidance. You can find some ideas in the resource section below.

We also know that adopting Lenten fast is a personal commitment and highly contextual. What is an appropriate level of sacrifice for one person could be impossible for someone else. We all must discern our level of participation and be supportive of the ways others choose to participate.

I live in a food desert/rural area/etc and just can't abstain from shopping where I shop!

We get it. Depending on your location, financial status, or work schedules, boycotting a specific store or company may not be feasible. We support, affirm, and celebrate any attempt to free yourself from the control of billionaires. Perhaps instead of a full boycott of a corporation, maybe you can go there one time less per week? Perhaps there's a different brand you could try that isn't tied to Trump?

How do I choose which corporation to fast from?

We invite you to ask yourself two questions to help you decide on a corporation to fast from:

  • What companies do I purchase from the most often?
    • Are you at Target multiple times a week? Do you have an Amazon subscription for your groceries? Do you fund Pepsi by indulging in a 20oz bottle everyday? Consider cutting out any spending choices that may be frivolous or that you are doing more out of habit than necessity.
  • What is an appropriate level of sacrifice for my life these next 40 days?
    • Can you stop going to Walmart or is it the only grocery store in town? Can you switch from Pepsi to a smaller brand of soda or even just have water instead? This should be a challenge and feel like a sacrifice, however, it should not cause you undue stress and hardship. Prayerfully discerning the right level for you and your family is important.


Resources to research corporations

Want to join our Lenten boycott, but don't know which corporation to choose? Here are a few resources that might help you make your decision: 

Active collective boycotts to join

  • Some Black faith leaders are calling for a 40-day boycott of Target for Lent in response to their decision to drop their DEI initiatives. You can learn more here: https://www.targetfast.org/