Tell Mitch McConnellIf Coretta's words are banned, we'll read them in church

Posted: Feb. 8, 2017

Apparently Coretta Scott King's words are not welcome on the Senate floor.

In a 1986 letter, she described Jeff Sessions as having done "with a federal prosecution what the local sheriffs accomplished twenty years ago with clubs and cattle prods" and said his confirmation as a federal judge would undermine "the progress we have made towards fulfilling my husband's dream."

But when Elizabeth Warren tried to read this letter during the floor debate over Sessions' nomination to serve as attorney general, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans used an obscure Senate rule to stop her.

Too much blood was shed - and too many white churches were silent - in the struggle for civil and voting rights. We cannot allow the memory of that struggle, which was led overwhelmingly by black pastors, to be forgotten.

So today we're sending a simple message to Mitch McConnell: Either let Elizabeth Warren read the letter on the Senate floor or thousands of us will bring copies of it to our churches this Sunday.

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