Tell Catholic seminaryLet James Martin speak

Posted: Sept. 17, 2017

Right-wing activists opposed to Pope Francis just got Catholic University's seminary to cancel a speech by the Rev. James Martin, a popular spiritual writer who just wrote a book standing up for gay Catholics.

Martin has been appointed to a Vatican advisory position by Pope Francis, and his new book on the LGBT community and the Catholic Church, Building a Bridge, has been praised by two cardinals and three bishops.

He was scheduled to give an unrelated talk about Jesus' life and ministry at Theological College's annual alumni event, but after a vicious smear campaign by some fringe websites calling him a "homosexualist," seminary leaders decided to cancel.

The story is already making headlines, and the even the university president has distanced him from the decision.

If the cancellation stands, it will set a dangerous precedent and encourage right-wing activists to continue demonizing Martin and other Catholic leaders who are embracing Pope Francis' vision of a more welcoming church.

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