Tell U.S. SenateChristians don't want a right-wing judge who misuses our faith

Posted: May 20, 2014

He built a political career by bragging about his "Christian values" -- which apparently include fear-mongering about "homosexual Boy Scout leaders" and posting the names of abortion providers online so they can be threatened and harassed.

Now Georgia state judge Michael Boggs, one of the religious right's favorite judges, is on the verge of receiving a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. Georgia's Republican senators forced President Obama to nominate Boggs in exchange for allowing some of Obama's other appointees to receive a vote.

Boggs has shamelessly exploited Christianity to advance a far-right agenda, once going so far as to circulate a campaign flyer telling voters that because "my parents taught me quality conservative Christian values ... I support the right to bear arms ... I oppose same-sex marriage."

Georgia Representative John Lewis, who as a young seminarian organized some of the first sit-ins of the civil rights movement, has forcefully condemned Boggs' nomination. Our best shot at stopping Boggs' confirmation is to show senators that Christians stand with civil-rights hero John Lewis, not with the religious right.

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