Tell Baptist pastorsApologize for suggesting that Jimmy Carter is going to hell

Posted: Oct. 9, 2014

Two North Carolina Baptist pastors are observing President Jimmy Carter's 90th birthday by suggesting that he might go to hell for saying that Jesus wouldn't discriminate against LGBT people.

Pastor David McManus accused Carter of embracing the "hippy, Jesus-loves-everybody picture of Christ" and claimed that Jesus was "very exclusive in who he dealt with." His colleague, pastor Sean Harris, accused Carter of "promoting a behavior that is credited with the worldwide epidemic of AIDS."

Worst of all, Harris warned that Carter, a lifelong Baptist and Sunday school teacher, will have difficulty when he has to "give an account of every idle word spoken [before God]."

These pastors lead a large Baptist church in North Carolina, and their online sermons reach thousands more. Their comments are already making headlines -- so we need to show where Christians really stand.

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