Tell CongressChristians support anti-lynching bill

Posted: Jan. 10, 2019

The U.S. Senate just unanimously passed a bill that would make lynching a federal hate crime—but now the religious right is trying to exclude victims who are targeted for their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In remarks that are making national headlines, the chairman of Liberty Counsel, an anti-gay hate group that purports to speak for Christians, says the inclusion of LGBT people is a “camel [getting] in the nose of the tent.”

His argument is absurd, but it could make a difference: Liberty Counsel has helped pioneer bigoted “religious freedom” arguments by representing clients like Kim Davis. Its opposition could be influential among congressional Republicans.

Christians can’t let this hateful attack on LGBT people go unanswered—we need to make sure our elected leaders know that Christians support the inclusion of victims like Matthew Shepard in anti-lynching legislation.

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